I will be leading a three part seminar on Social Media for the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce in New Hampshire beginning on Wednesday, October 19 between 12 and 1pm. The first subject will be Facebook, and I plan on videotaping the seminar to show on my blogs. If you are in the area and wish to join me, you can go to http://www.plymouthnh.org/inner.php/Chamber+Events/Chamber+Brown+Bag+Lunch+Seminars/ to register.
I will be editing the videos to a shorter summary to post on my blog and on Youtube, but if you wish to see the videos in their entirety, you have to sign up for my email list to get that. I am excited and honored to be hosting these seminars, and if you have a certain question you with to be answered, please leave a comment here and I will do my best to answer it. If I cannot during the presentation I will do my best to answer them either here on the blog or via email if you provide me with that.
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